SL fully synthetic gasoline engine oil
This product is formulated from selected high-quality fully synthetic base oils and the most advanced additive technology. It is the outstanding high-quality "universal" engine lubricant of the Beimei series, which meets the technical requirements of industry and engine manufacturers.
Outstanding oxidation stability and alkalinity can ensure extended oil life, reduce piston deposits and oil consumption, and reduce oil consumption. A kind of oil can be used in diesel engines and gasoline engines, simplifying records and maintaining more convenient.
Excellent control of deposit formation and anti-wear function can effectively extend the interval between engine overhauls, reduce downtime, and reduce operating costs.
The low sulfur ash level in the oil minimizes deposits in the combustion chamber and valves.
Valve] series has anti-wear function to prevent friction of high-load parts.
Satisfy various high-power, multi-valve, high-pressure gasoline engines.

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