SL CNG/LPG dual fuel engine oil
It adopts imported base oil and is formulated with high-performance compound additives and advanced pulse technology. It is designed for load protection and high-supercharged dual-fuel engines to meet the special performance requirements of dual-fuel engines. Standard configuration, exclusive party, can make The inside of the engine is clean and runs more powerfully.
Excellent viscosity-temperature performance, high temperature lubrication, toughness and reliability, low temperature start, smooth and smooth;
low ash content, in the dual-fuel engine high thermal load environment, minimize the generation of deposits, reduce the engine intake valve, exhaust valve wear, and prevent early engine ignition;
Excellent and unique cleaning and dispersing performance, it has a good cleaning effect on the pollutant particles entering the engine, and more effectively inhibits the generation of carbon deposits and sludge under start-up and shutdown conditions, and reduces engine wear.
is suitable for automobiles that use CNG, LNG, LPG, and gasoline as fuel. At the same time, it can also be used in automobile engines that use gasoline or alcohol gasoline as fuel and all vehicles that require the use of API SL grade oil.

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